Let Producer's Edge Digital Magazine sponsor your career
Give your music career a boost with an interview inside PE Mag. Take advantage of the number one music production journal by placing your information and music in front of over 35,000 readers and industry figures. All video clips will also be uploaded to our YouTube channel (YouTube/GriffinAvid ) with over four million viewers.
How much does it cost?
$149 Single page bio and or short interview. 2 active outgoing links to other internet sites (MySpace, YouTube, Website, Blog etc). Interviews may be done over phone or edited from submitted questions based on pre-interview or bio/discography.
$199 Single page with embedded video and bio and/or short interview.
Three outgoing active links- which may include a zip file of additional music and information hosted by Producer's Edge with a 100Mb limit or link to your own hosted file.
$299 two-page spread, two embedded videos including audio player with samples of your music. Music is submitted as one continuous file and runs no longer than 4 minutes total. This package includes slots for two video presentations, audio sampler and zip file download. The two-page sponsorship also places the featured producer inside the monster email blast Producer's Edge sends out at the launch of every new issue.
How does it work?
You send an email to Sales@ProducersEdgeMagazine.com with your chosen package. Include your Bio, artwork and any relevant information. We send you the legal information about your material and a payment request. Complete your interview and we create your page(s) for the next issue of Producer's Edge Digital Magazine. Your page(s) stay in that issue which is great considering you can read the back issues at any time and they still enjoy heavy traffic. Your page becomes indexed and archived as a high ranking result when anyone searches your production name.
When should I do this?
When you're honestly ready for this kind of attention. No one knows how motivated you are about your music besides you. This isn't a plan for a guaranteed placement. It's an opportunity for greater exposure and all that comes with it. Let's face it, if you're not confident about having a career in music, how can you expect anyone else to be? Are you able to submit quality work on a consistent basis? Do you have a passion for music? Do you believe there is a place for you and your music in this music industry? If your answer is Yes, then our answer is Now.
Extended F.A.Q. for the curious
Why is Producer's Edge doing this?
Producers are constantly asking PE Mag about being featured. We didn't have any system in place to give exposure to all the talent we come across. We thought about a Spotlight Section or contest or random XC Subscriber lottery, but they all seemed kinda gimmicky and you never know when someone is really ready so we make this service available and let you choose your involvement level.
Why it is so inexpensive compared to ad pages?
Ads are taken out by larger companies with marketing and promotional budgets. This is an opportunity for our readership to do more than hope for attention. Ads are clearly profitable for the sponsoring company, but this represents an opportunity and not a hustle. We've priced it according to that idea.
What can I do to really make this work for me?
Think creatively. Maybe your video should be more than you making a hot beat. Consider talking about your production and why you are ready for a major project. Play a selection of your music. Show what you can do by profiling an artist you're working with and use that light to tell the industry what you contribute as a producer. Show your work ethic in the studio and your skills at engineering, mixing or simply running a session and working with an artist.
Think like a team and split the cost with your artist or among your production team. If two producers go in, you can rock pages back to back and save money. Each of you enjoys the two-page spread, but really pays for a single page tier with the extra added features.
Expose a greater portion of your talent. Use one set of music in your video and another in your snippet reel. Show your versatility for both rap production and commercial licensing. Provide a stable means of contact. Send interested parties to a fully developed online presence.
In Conclusion...
If you feel you are ready to take advantage of this opportunity, send an email to Sales@ProducersEdgeMagazine.com and join us inside the pages of the number one music production journal. Our team is on standby. Sales@ProducersEdgeMagazine.com As always, we thank you for your time and support.
Drew Spence
Editor in Chief, Producer's Edge Digital Magazine
Yes, I'm ready to send you my information and get my sponsorship pages featured in Producer's Edge Digital Magazine!